
Menopause Messing With Your Mind, Body and Soul?

In early 2020, I asked myself if I was at the point of no return. I was tired and depressed-like, I didn’t sleep, I couldn’t concentrate, I was eating horribly, I gained 25 lbs. so easily, I was starting to have unhealthy physical symptoms and I had become somewhat withdrawn from my usual social self… I really didn’t care about things like I had before. And don’t even get me started on how my skin took a nose dive. Little did I realize that I was becoming a shell of who I once was, and all in a period of about 3 years. I was going through some very tough life events but on top of those miseries, menopause was silently kicking my butt (the hot flashes– not so silent). And then isolation from Covid19 added a new dynamic to this mix.

As I suffered through the meno-process after the first year, I decided to scour the internet to learn everything I could about menopause (when I could remember or stay on track, I know you know what I’m talking about). It seemed like there really wasn’t anything different online from what I would hear from women that I’ve had discussions with. Let’s be real here, there’s really not one article or another on the subject that says anything new or different. It’s hopeless! Or is it?

What I’ve learned are there are some natural remedies as well as chemical remedies out there for the uncomfortable and desperate women (I’ve tried them because I was that). And with ANY health condition (if you’ve researched other health issues), good nutrition, sleep and exercise have a VERY positive effect on our bodies. Oh, yes, so easy to do when going through menopause. :/

I started feeling better within 30 days into my efforts to improve my sleep and by greatly improving my nutrition with the RIGHT supplements. Within 3 days of getting the nutrition my body needed, my digestion and “regularity” changed! I didn’t realize that I was so bloated!

The nutritional supplements along with putting down the daily cookies, cake or pie was a good start but I couldn’t do much more than that on my own. It’s hard to step out of that vicious cycle of sugar cravings and making better choices! I continued to do the best I could muster and surprisingly it got easier and easier because I was feeling better. Within 60 days I had the energy and vitality that I thought I had lost forever. And with that, I was making better choices in food as well as better decisions as I now have more clarity.

God had a hand in getting me on the right track of taking care of myself. God wants us to love Him with all of our heart, mind and spirit. I love the Lord to the core of my spirit. I love Him with my mind and fellowship with Him daily. I desire for Him to help me love Him with a healthy heart (and body). It’s tough when you’ve gotten to that feeling of the point of no return with weight, diet, exercise, but He loves us and wants to help us.

Menopause isn’t nice to us, ladies. But we can rise above this premature aging of our brains, God help us! And He does, through some really smart people that dedicate their studies to life science.

I have to say that this Ted Talk by neuroscientist, Dr. Lisa Mosconi, is EYE OPENING and helped me understand menopause in a way that we haven’t heard before. The way she teaches in laymen’s terms about what she has discovered about the female brain in this easy to watch video REALLY helped me understand myself better and this profound knowledge is driving me to better myself. I want that for every woman going through the forgetfulness, the anxiety, the hunger, the mood swings, the sweats, the insomnia, the feelings of hopelessness at times.

No, you’re not crazy, you’re not stuck and you’re not alone. I invite you to watch this video if you are ready to be enlightened… and, afterwards, let me know what you think in the comments.

Beating menopause STARTS with education… education points to starting with nutrition…

Don’t let your mind beat your body up!

Angi Dickens

Attention! Women 50-60 Years Old You Gotta Read This…

Ladies, not only do we have to deal with menopause, we have to be extra careful when it comes to Covid-19.


There’s a way to help your immune function work at maximum levels to resist disease. In less than 60 days you will feel better than you have in the past 10 years by adopting an Active Wellness lifestyle.

I found it hard to believe I would ever have energy like I did when I was young, and I thought that digestive issues was something I just had to live with. I thought I was reaching a point of no return, and if you feel like that well I’m here to tell you it’s just not true!

I started using Nikken products as recommended by my friend and Nikken consultant, Don Shenck. No lie, I felt results within 3 days and under 60 days I could SEE results! I feel better than I have in years. I’m physically tougher, I’m emotionally stronger, and I’m out of the pit of (my) despair! My skin is not a wreck anymore!

—Don’t let your mind beat your body up—

Be your best now and defend yourself against illness. It’s easier than you think!

Want to start an active wellness lifestyle and rise from your “pit of despair” like me? We can do it together. Message me to get started! I want to hear from you!


Welcome to my site where you’ll find products, info on products and info on ways to live your best life!

My name is Angi and, at the time of this post, I’m 53 years old, a mother of 4 and grandmother of 1. Recently I became an independent consultant with Nikken (pronounced knee-kin), a total wellness lifestyle company. Before that, I was sharing with others all the time how Nikken’s products have not only improved my life but have changed it. When my friends starting buying the products from my source (a friend), I thought, “why don’t I be the one that is helping people and making money doing it?” The helping people is more rewarding than anything!

Nikken is a company I trust as well as others before me have for the past 45 years. It’s a “one-stop” for me to be actively well. I started with the water and from there I went to the sleep products and then nutrition. I created this website to share my story, others’ stories, articles and videos that encourage good health, and info about the Nikken products.

I am also here to answer your questions or make recommendations as your Active Wellness Coach. You can reach me by phone, email, facebook and in person!

Look for my online classes that are fun, informative and interactive, coming soon. My online classes through Facebook Messenger or Zoom will have topics that we can all relate to and practical applications that are easy.

Thank you for visiting my site. Feel free to contact me from the info at the bottom of the page!

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Menopause Messing With Your Mind, Body and Soul?

In early 2020, I asked myself if I was at the point of no return. I was tired and depressed-like, I didn’t sleep, I couldn’t concentrate, I was eating horribly, I gained 25 lbs. so easily, I was starting to have unhealthy physical symptoms and I had become somewhat withdrawn from my usual social self… I really didn’t care about things like I had before. And don’t even get me started on how my skin

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Attention! Women 50-60 Years Old You Gotta Read This…

Ladies, not only do we have to deal with menopause, we have to be extra careful when it comes to Covid-19. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/21/women-aged-50-60-at-greatest-risk-of-long-covid-experts-suggest There’s a way to help your immune function work at maximum levels to resist disease. In less than 60 days you will feel better than you have in the past 10 years by adopting an Active Wellness lifestyle. I found it hard to believe I would ever have energy like I did when

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Welcome to my site where you’ll find products, info on products and info on ways to live your best life! My name is Angi and, at the time of this post, I’m 53 years old, a mother of 4 and grandmother of 1. Recently I became an independent consultant with Nikken (pronounced knee-kin), a total wellness lifestyle company. Before that, I was sharing with others all the time how Nikken’s products have not only improved

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