Welcome to my site where you’ll find products, info on products and info on ways to live your best life!

My name is Angi and, at the time of this post, I’m 53 years old, a mother of 4 and grandmother of 1. Recently I became an independent consultant with Nikken (pronounced knee-kin), a total wellness lifestyle company. Before that, I was sharing with others all the time how Nikken’s products have not only improved my life but have changed it. When my friends starting buying the products from my source (a friend), I thought, “why don’t I be the one that is helping people and making money doing it?” The helping people is more rewarding than anything!

Nikken is a company I trust as well as others before me have for the past 45 years. It’s a “one-stop” for me to be actively well. I started with the water and from there I went to the sleep products and then nutrition. I created this website to share my story, others’ stories, articles and videos that encourage good health, and info about the Nikken products.

I am also here to answer your questions or make recommendations as your Active Wellness Coach. You can reach me by phone, email, facebook and in person!

Look for my online classes that are fun, informative and interactive, coming soon. My online classes through Facebook Messenger or Zoom will have topics that we can all relate to and practical applications that are easy.

Thank you for visiting my site. Feel free to contact me from the info at the bottom of the page!